Choice of equipment for Snowkiting very important and unique moment. If you are just starting training, then you will be very difficult to make a choice between multiple brands and names of equipment on the market. In this section we will discuss what you may have and help determine the choice. We begin with the selection of the kite as it is the main point of your list. We are interested in 2 types of kites. Foil kites and inflated (tube) kites. Let’s start our review with the Foil kites. Foil kite do not have to pump up, so he keeps its shape thanks to a head wind and the system dome sling. The design of the kite is such that the system and the dome pocket kite lines can maintain its flight form, because of the oncoming wind. Foil Kites were the first of kiting on the snow and still loved by many and today! This is the best choice for the expedition. Foil kite can easily pack in the absence of wind and it does not take much space, which is very important on long hikes. Foil kites very fast and can easily be prepared for the start and did not need to be pumped as a summer kite, so you do not need to take a pump. Some Foil kites complete with handle, instead of punks (bar), but many riders have given their preference for a bracket as easier and more understandable to management. Kites on a bracket are more secure because they have a system crash decoupling. Foil kites «afraid» of water. In the fall of the kite in the water it gets wet and loses its flying characteristics. If you think you do kiting in winter and summer, then Foil kite is not a good idea, because you will need an old kite. There are some models Foil kites, which have a valve system to keep the air inside the form of a snake, but we believe that water is a special product, inflated kite. Many people begin their journeys in a Foil Snowkiting kites and this is the right choice, because it is stable, easy to use, ideal for expeditions, freeride and freestyle. They are also afraid of hard blows on the ground! Also in the main training, aerobatics, kites — kites are Foil.

Tube (trumpet) kites, more known as inflatable. Pumping cylinders takes the form of kite flying and saves the profile. inflatable kites used on the water, but the snow feel very good! Certainly the use of inflatable kites bad idea for long expeditions, as the kite takes a lot of space compared to Foil kite and requires the presence of the pump. When punctured the container you will be more difficult to repair in the expedition. But he shows himself well in freestyle and in the freeriding. Also in the race at the speed tube showed themselves well. There are 3 main types of inflatable kite. Kite-type, Bow (Flat) and hybrid type. The name is taken on the shape of the kite, the English letters C and Flat. Focus our attention on C kites. Since kites were the first predecessors of all inflatable kites. This is an ideal kite for powerful skating and first-rate tricks. But they concede a flat kite in the wind range and safety. Also with kites have a more complex system is restarted in contrast to flat kites. C-kite can be used in the snow with the fifth lines. Recycling and landing the kite through fifth lines makes it easier to use with the kite, even one without external support. The fifth strip is also used as a backup only when in an emergency unlocking from chikenloop you stay connected with the serpent lish and 5 lines. Not all kites are equipped with fifth slings, but almost all the models can be attached. For this purpose there are special kits that you can buy and install them on their own kite. After installing the 5th lines you need to configure it. This is best done with the help of a specialist. Flat Inflatable kites have different structures, but all flat called Bow kite. Bow kites have taken shape in Foil kites. Filed in a wide wind range and went to a new level of security. A large flat kites have working plane in comparison with C-type of equal size. Approximate ratio 9m Bow kite to 11-12m C-kite. Bow kites are easier to restart than C-kites. Some models have a greater load on the bar, from which soon tired hands, and difficulty in understanding governance. This is a problem on many models have already been solved. There is another type of model plane kite called a hybrid. Hybrid models have embodied in itself all the advantages of Bow kites and a clear and understandable management inherent with the kite. So what kite to choose. In general, it is absolutely personal matter for each future rider. First, decide your style skiing. Visit the kite shops, tell us your needs and you will prompt the best choice. If you intend to use the kite in the winter and summer, then your choice to stay on an inflatable kite, as it is the best choice for two seasons. He’s good on the water and beautiful in the snow, and you save on buying a second kite, using one shell in the winter and summer. If you want to use only the kite on the snow and you do a long expedition, the choice should stay at Foil kite because it is easy to use and does not take up much space. No matter what kite you choose, but before committing their first purchase make the right choice with size. To help select the size of the kite’s response to 2 questions. Your weight and wind conditions for skiing. Decide what force wind prevails in your region. If you plan to ride in the wind, then the choice for a small size. In contrast to the gentle breeze you need a bigger size. Universal kite for the whole wind range do not exist.

The approximate ratio of wind to the size of Foyil and Bow (Flat) kite, with the rider weight of 80 kg is shown in the table. If your weight by 30 kg more, add 3 square meters to the value in the table, or subtract the same amount, if your weight by 30 kg menshe.foil c Bow kite

This table is approximate and is only exploratory in nature. Specialists in the store will help you determine a more correct and select the correct size.

When you begin the first steps in kiting you will have one kite. As you progress in this sport you need a few models under its wind range. Choose the correct size of the snake at driving in accordance with the state of the snow. You must have confidence in the control of its boards (skis), as well as speed. The high speed can cause loss of control and crash. Follow common sense.

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