In this section we’d like review the basics controlling Foil kite. You will learn about the preparation, launch, relaunch and landing of a kite. Also consider the work of the security kite. Be sure to read the instructions for your gear and check the correctness of setting kite. In addition to the necessary information, there are a useful thing. For example, unlike inflatable kite lines do not need to disconnect from the kite. After raiding you simply reel off lines at the bar and connect the bar inside the kite. This allows you to prepare kite for launch faster next time. Preparing to launch your kite is made in accordance compliance with safety regulations. Expand kite is perpendicular to the wind so that its leading edge (inlet valves, pockets) were higher in the wind from you and with your hand was sewn back of the kite. It’s side called is trailing edge. Sprinkle trailing edge of the snow. Be confident what you put enough the snow in your wind conditions and kite did not can fly away itself. Take the bar in the hands and begin unwinding lines going to upwind from kite. After this take bar for a chikenloop and rotating the bar clockwise or back that your back lines were unwound and do not overlap with the front lines. Make sure that painted side bar located in the left side. Then rotating the chikenloop unwinding the front lines. If you pull up after riding lines correctly, then you should have no problem with twisted loops and nodes. Make sure that the lines do not intersect. Go again along the entire length of lines. If you noticed the nodes and loops on lines disconnect lines from the kite, and eliminate the cause. Pledge your safe riding in the correct preparation and setup the kite.